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            Doxed By: Bleed and Analyse
            Reason: Pedophile

            [+] Phone Number : +46 706456601
            [+] Brand        : iPhone
            [+] Operator     : TeliaSonera
            [+] Type Number  : +46
            [+] Country      : SE
            [+] Region       : Suede
            [+] Timezone     : Europe/Stockholm

            [+] Gender    : Male
            [+] Last Name : Braun
            [+] First Name: Andreas
            [+] Age        : 39 (12/14/1985)

            [+] Continent: n
            [+] Country  : Sweden
            [+] Region   : Helsingborg
            [+] Postal Code: 263 64
            [+] City     : Viken
            [+] Address  : Backalyckan 23
            [+] Timezone    : CET - Central European Time
            [+] Longitude   : 56.15452454547199
            [+] Latitude    : 12.581585971099269

            Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_braunandreas_/


            Will be updating DOX soon, with Images/Videos and other provided proof.
            If you have any dm <@1266821400270733434> on Discord.
            Jason from Coinbase: OSINT
            Analyse: Formatting/OSINT
            Bleed: Main personal info and socials 
